Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Merry Christmas

I've heard a rumor that Christmas was once a religious holiday? True?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Court Ruling Rules Against "Intelligent Design"

In a landmark case, a U.S. District Judge in Pennsylvania has ruled against Intelligent Design being taught in science class. In his ruling, Judge John Jones stated that Intelligent Design is merely creationism in disguise and the 8 members of the Dover school board were attempting to promote religion within the public school system. This was ruled as unconstitutional. Horrays all around and big kudo's to the parents who stood up and challenged the teaching of ID in the science classroom. Further accolades to the town that, prior to this decision, had already voted out the 8 members of the school board in November. This was followed by a stern warning from Pat Robertson that the town had rejected gawd. Good Grief!

This is exactly the issue that got me to thinking about joining a local Humanism group to help fight this and other issues. I went as far as to have them send me some information on Humanism generally but much like Groucho Marx, I refuse to join a club that would have me as a member.

Friday, December 16, 2005

One Too Many Ed's for the NDP

The NDP have always tried to present themselves as a moral party, indeed, the caring party. I don't pretend to follow much news on the party but I read today that Ed Schreyer is once again a candidate for the NDP running for a seat in Manitoba. Now Ed was once Governor General in which you are to preclude any particular party bias but I guess that's over and done with. Another good reason to rid the country of said office perhaps. What's particularly interesting is Ed's comments 18 years ago when he declared homosexuality an "affliction" and "abnormal behavior". This would run contrary to the current party line and it was only recently that NDP MP Bev Desjarlais was kicked out for having similar ideas against gay marriage. So much for integrity in my opinion. I guess your opinions don't count when it comes to your star power for the NDP. Witness the appeal of running Maher Arar's wife, Monia Mazigh, in the riding of Ottawa South. Monia, a devout muslim, would also be against gay marriage. Back the truck up Jack ... what a load of crap.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Pass the Beer and Popcorn

It is me or is there just nothing really going on with this campaign lately? Now to be sure I've been working lots the past week but there's been nothing terribly solid to report on. Seems that the Liberals are backtracking today though when the director of communications, Scott Reid, was quoted as saying parents would or could use the Conservative child-care benefit for beer and popcorn. I think the campaign is so boring right now that the press are desperate to latch onto anything and this makes for a good headline at least. I'll jump out on that limb and say I agree with the sentiment but this is what he actually said ....

"We are not trying to take people's time away from their grandparents, but working families need care," Reid said. "They need care that is regulated, safe and secure, and that's what we're building here. Don't give people $25 a day to blow on beer and popcorn. Give them child-care spaces that work."

Saturday, December 03, 2005

And now folks, the promises

Harper finally got some wanted attention this week on his promise to reduce the GST to 5%. Now that's something they can campaign on. That's the kinda chit that gets you elected while quietly avoiding same-sex marriage the rest of the campaign and I'm not all that sure I'd trot out private health care either but I guess they're gonna. What they've done this week is actually steal the Liberal promise to reduce waiting times by saying that if you wait "X" number of days for treatment then after that they'll force the province to somehow get you the treatment now or pay for the treatment elsewhere (the U.S.). Now the Liberal deal was that the feds would pay for it and this was to be in place by 2007. Harper has semi-successfully stolen the idea saying it's a done deal by 2006.

The Liberals have promised nothing but suddenly have big union on board in the form of Buzz Hargrove. Buzz wants you to vote Liberal where the NDP candidate doesn't stand a chance which is just about in every riding but Jack's potentially. It's my sneaking suspicion the Liberal Party machine is holding back on anything just yet because the electorate has a short memory. They'll be trotting out promises as we edge closer to election day. Well, it's either that or they got nothing which could be the case.

Don't be suprised to see the Conservative Edge ahead this coming week in public opinion polls (Was there ever a worse invention?) based on the GST promise alone.

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