Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Court Ruling Rules Against "Intelligent Design"

In a landmark case, a U.S. District Judge in Pennsylvania has ruled against Intelligent Design being taught in science class. In his ruling, Judge John Jones stated that Intelligent Design is merely creationism in disguise and the 8 members of the Dover school board were attempting to promote religion within the public school system. This was ruled as unconstitutional. Horrays all around and big kudo's to the parents who stood up and challenged the teaching of ID in the science classroom. Further accolades to the town that, prior to this decision, had already voted out the 8 members of the school board in November. This was followed by a stern warning from Pat Robertson that the town had rejected gawd. Good Grief!

This is exactly the issue that got me to thinking about joining a local Humanism group to help fight this and other issues. I went as far as to have them send me some information on Humanism generally but much like Groucho Marx, I refuse to join a club that would have me as a member.

All the town has to do now is go to confession and GAWD will forgive them!!!! Of course they may have to do a couple hundred rosaries, but hey its worth it to avert a disaster right?
Thank God!
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