Friday, January 28, 2005

Peter to Marry Paul
Same-Sex Bill Likely to Pass according to a Sun Media survey of MPs and how'd they vote today. Meanwhile, ole Steve Harper continues to try and score points with those less inclined to favor same sex marriage. I feel he's making a tremendous error in aligning himself with a policy of bigotry. Further, I just can't understand the completely illogical connection to polygamy bantered about by Harper and given life by the news organizations in what can only be described as scare-mongering amongst those who'll believe anything they read in the papers?! Although, I've read that Harper Supports Polygamy LOL.

This is just such a ridiculous waste of the political landscape. You would think we'd be more concerned about Health Care and maybe we are. It just isn't shocking enough news I guess for now. 7 Provinces have already legalized same-sex marriage, it's done, it's over, let's move onnnnnnn already.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Outing SpongeBob

Not only does he live in a pineapple, SpongeBob hisself is a fruit. Heck, I knew he was yellow and pourous but this? Seems several so-called christian groups are aghast at a video featuring Bob and several other cartoon characters coming together to deliver a message of tolerance that includes gay rights. Ed Vitagliano of the American Family Association (what dat?) says, "While we want everyone to respect other people's beliefs, we do not consider it appropriate for children's television to be used in an effort to indoctrinate children to accept homosexuality". Ah yes, but it's perfectly acceptable to indoctrinate them into the word of the lord at an impressionable age eh. And you just have to click on that link above there for the insidious music that acompanies the article.

Speaking of the fun people at the first link. Man, those people are scarey boo. Just try this one and see if your skin doesn't crawl off the chair and leave ya nakeder than Bob without his ole squarepants. Click Here

The sense of Deja Vu when you read a story like this is obvious, it was 1999 when everyone's favorite reverend, Jerry Falwell, opined that perhaps Tinky Winky was gay. Is that show still on anymore?

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Huygens Probe Lands on Titan
The Huygens Probe descended into Titan's atmosphere and successfully landed on the unknown surface of Saturn's moon Titan on January 14th of this year. The probe was successfully "awakened" as it descended through the atmosphere, landed on the surface where it transmitted pictures and data to earth for more than an hour and a half before it froze solid in the cold of Titan.

A amazing accomplishment when you stop to think that the probe was bolted to the Cassini spacecraft and both left earth over 7 years ago to begin this journey. I think though that in our Star Trek world we have a tendency to brush off these science accomplishments. Heck, we've already seen this stuff up close on tv right? Didn't the Borg already fly by Saturn and didn't even bother to stop to assimilate it?

Sunday, January 02, 2005

God Takes a Holiday

Tsunami Death Toll 140,000 and counting as of January 2nd. If it's possible and you can stop to think about what actually occured it's an amazing display of the force of earth's nature. Hundreds if not thousands died in Somolia, a country 4800 kilometres away from the undersea quake's epicentre. That's a huge distance away, about a drive to Florida and back again for me living in Ottawa. And it should escape no-one's attention, especially Christians, that this occured during the Christmas season. I wonder if, in the aftermath of some American evangelist(pick one, any one), this will be a message from gawd to the sinners of the world or some other such nonense. I can only think that if you believe in gawd that he was on vacation last week perhaps. Or worse, he doesn't actually care anyway which to me would be the only conclusion I could come up with.

"What if God exists but he doesn't really like people very much?" Jeremy in Eleanor Rigby

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