Sunday, April 13, 2003

The Cling to Creationism

You've no doubt read and heard news stories about how more conservative Christian groups resist evolution as a valid theory of human history. For example, the folks at the Institute for Creation Research would convince you that "true science" shows evolution is complete nonsense. It's perhaps too easy to dismiss these groups as cranks given their ever increasing influence in government policy. Advocates of Intelligent Design have successfully lobbied state governments to include ID alongside evolution in the science classroom. Indeed, the provincially government's plans to do such a thing here in Ontario is partially responsible for this blog and my ranting. If you're a Christian who reads this thing once in a blue moon have you ever asked what you believe or why do conservatives rail against evolution?

Tradition dictates that god created us all, indeed we are imperfect angels in the making. Creation is a very important concept in religion. You may scoff and say that's no longer so but this is a very recent development don't forget. Many would argue that evolution is simply god's way of creation and many major religions have gone this route. But evolution isn't about design or progress and shouldn't be interpreted in that fashion. The history of evolution is a history of blind luck filled with mass extinctions, misfits, even dead ends. When we think of evolution we think survival of the fittest and such and such a species developed characteristic 'X' because that was best for survival. The very essence of evolution is random mutation and yes, sometimes it survival but in many cases it's not. Creativity in nature then becomes not the product of design or a designer, but purposeless trial and error. Without "Creation", Christians must once again reinterpret the bible. Further, with creation the concepts of Original Sin and the Atonement also come into question and must also be reintepreted. And it's not only Christians that must confront evolution, the Quran, the direct word of god for muslims, states that humans were specially created. What to do, what to do.

You can see why creationism is still a very compelling idea for many religious thinkers. The heavens and the earth were created specifically for us that we may declare the majesty of our creator. Anything otherwise is a serious defeat for religion as known and documented. It's only in recent human history that we've discovered that we live on an obscure planet in a mediocre galaxy and the history of life is a product of natural processes.

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