Friday, January 28, 2005

Peter to Marry Paul
Same-Sex Bill Likely to Pass according to a Sun Media survey of MPs and how'd they vote today. Meanwhile, ole Steve Harper continues to try and score points with those less inclined to favor same sex marriage. I feel he's making a tremendous error in aligning himself with a policy of bigotry. Further, I just can't understand the completely illogical connection to polygamy bantered about by Harper and given life by the news organizations in what can only be described as scare-mongering amongst those who'll believe anything they read in the papers?! Although, I've read that Harper Supports Polygamy LOL.

This is just such a ridiculous waste of the political landscape. You would think we'd be more concerned about Health Care and maybe we are. It just isn't shocking enough news I guess for now. 7 Provinces have already legalized same-sex marriage, it's done, it's over, let's move onnnnnnn already.

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