Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Election Time Again

Is there anyone not going *sigh*? As expected, last night's non-confidence vote brought down the Liberal minority government and the Christmas campaigning has begun. So here's an election primer 'cause I know your soooo interested. The Liberals are corrupt and we need a change, Steve Harper is scary boo, Jack Layton is nice to listen to but how cares, Canadians care most about Health Care but it won't matter in this election. You'll be forgiven for that sense of Deja Vu from 2004 'cause yeah, it's all the same chit all over again with most likely the same result. Well, if you think different I'd love to hear about it?

I'll be voting Liberal, what choice is there? So how do we send a message that we're not happy? I'll leave it up to the voters in Mr. Harper and Mr. Martin's ridings ... elect a Liberal minority again but don't vote either of these guys in in their ridings. Just an idea ... we're living in a leadership vacuum in my opinion and new leaders are a must across the board for anything to change.

I agree with most of what you say. Martin and Harper need to go, both their parties need some fine tuning and redefinition.

I am a big Layton fan and if it wasn't for the whole separatist agenda the Bloc would be a formidable force. Duceppe is a great leader and Debater and hsi Socialist tinge warms my heart.

As you (and Many) Have pointed out I am sure we are headed for another Campaign of fear and personality rather than actual issues and I cannot see that there will be much of a change in the house of commons.
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