Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Gay Marriage Redux
First day out and Harper trots out the Gay Marriage Issue? You've got to wonder who he's got working for advisors behind the scenes dontcha? I just don't understand it at all. I mean, I know they're all outta touch but this is beyond stupid if you're trying to win this election and you do this right out of the gate?
I think I miss Preston Manning believe it or not. Anyone can say what they like about Reform but Preston was smart while the supporting cast of characters elected with him were doughheads (That now make up most of the Conservative Party?). I seem to recall that someone tried to bring up Abortion Rights as a scare tactic in an election where Preston was leader but he was too smart to bite. It's early but if Harper keeps flogging this dead issue they have no chance whatsoever. They'll scare away anyone with any common sense and indeed any common sense of decency. This is a Liberal government that shouldn't stand a chance and yet. I'll say it again, holding my nose and voting Liberal, there is no credible alternative whatsoever.
First day out and Harper trots out the Gay Marriage Issue? You've got to wonder who he's got working for advisors behind the scenes dontcha? I just don't understand it at all. I mean, I know they're all outta touch but this is beyond stupid if you're trying to win this election and you do this right out of the gate?
I think I miss Preston Manning believe it or not. Anyone can say what they like about Reform but Preston was smart while the supporting cast of characters elected with him were doughheads (That now make up most of the Conservative Party?). I seem to recall that someone tried to bring up Abortion Rights as a scare tactic in an election where Preston was leader but he was too smart to bite. It's early but if Harper keeps flogging this dead issue they have no chance whatsoever. They'll scare away anyone with any common sense and indeed any common sense of decency. This is a Liberal government that shouldn't stand a chance and yet. I'll say it again, holding my nose and voting Liberal, there is no credible alternative whatsoever.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Election Time Again
Is there anyone not going *sigh*? As expected, last night's non-confidence vote brought down the Liberal minority government and the Christmas campaigning has begun. So here's an election primer 'cause I know your soooo interested. The Liberals are corrupt and we need a change, Steve Harper is scary boo, Jack Layton is nice to listen to but how cares, Canadians care most about Health Care but it won't matter in this election. You'll be forgiven for that sense of Deja Vu from 2004 'cause yeah, it's all the same chit all over again with most likely the same result. Well, if you think different I'd love to hear about it?
I'll be voting Liberal, what choice is there? So how do we send a message that we're not happy? I'll leave it up to the voters in Mr. Harper and Mr. Martin's ridings ... elect a Liberal minority again but don't vote either of these guys in in their ridings. Just an idea ... we're living in a leadership vacuum in my opinion and new leaders are a must across the board for anything to change.
Is there anyone not going *sigh*? As expected, last night's non-confidence vote brought down the Liberal minority government and the Christmas campaigning has begun. So here's an election primer 'cause I know your soooo interested. The Liberals are corrupt and we need a change, Steve Harper is scary boo, Jack Layton is nice to listen to but how cares, Canadians care most about Health Care but it won't matter in this election. You'll be forgiven for that sense of Deja Vu from 2004 'cause yeah, it's all the same chit all over again with most likely the same result. Well, if you think different I'd love to hear about it?
I'll be voting Liberal, what choice is there? So how do we send a message that we're not happy? I'll leave it up to the voters in Mr. Harper and Mr. Martin's ridings ... elect a Liberal minority again but don't vote either of these guys in in their ridings. Just an idea ... we're living in a leadership vacuum in my opinion and new leaders are a must across the board for anything to change.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
An Idea Who's Time Has Come
I've been into the Dollarama a few times with Emma and I always see these Chip Clips. You know them, they're just spring-loaded clips to keep your chips sealed in the bag once you open them. So I applaud the lady or gentleman who invented them, seemed like a good idea when they first came out as I recall ... but why do we need them anymore? Why don't they just put little sandwhich bag-type seals at the top of chip bags so you can just reseal them right then? Like they do with those bags of grated cheese.
I've been into the Dollarama a few times with Emma and I always see these Chip Clips. You know them, they're just spring-loaded clips to keep your chips sealed in the bag once you open them. So I applaud the lady or gentleman who invented them, seemed like a good idea when they first came out as I recall ... but why do we need them anymore? Why don't they just put little sandwhich bag-type seals at the top of chip bags so you can just reseal them right then? Like they do with those bags of grated cheese.
Monday, November 07, 2005
I was gonna post up links for some news stories on this thing but unless you're living in a cave you can't escape the story. You'll note it's been crafted so far to blame the federal government but there's also a tiny hint of collective guilt thrown in for the rest of us too. I've honestly no clue how much the feds or provincial government is to blame but for me there's a side bar missing from this story. Varied government departments spend 8-10 billion on Aboriginal Programs. There were approximately 1 million people identifying themselves as Aboriginal in the last census and approximately two thirds of those identified do not live on a reservation. Let's just go with the 1 million and the 10 billion to make it easy leaving $10,000 per identified Aboriginal in funding ... where is this money going is the big question? I think we're paying for a lotta guilt. The last I checked many of the chiefs and leaders in the communities we're talking about have asked for, and been granted, the power to spend some of this money in their own areas. I think it's way, way past time that this spending go unquestioned. It's laughable that some of these leaders stand in front of microphones and blame the government for their woes ... it's time to look inward guys and gals.
I was gonna post up links for some news stories on this thing but unless you're living in a cave you can't escape the story. You'll note it's been crafted so far to blame the federal government but there's also a tiny hint of collective guilt thrown in for the rest of us too. I've honestly no clue how much the feds or provincial government is to blame but for me there's a side bar missing from this story. Varied government departments spend 8-10 billion on Aboriginal Programs. There were approximately 1 million people identifying themselves as Aboriginal in the last census and approximately two thirds of those identified do not live on a reservation. Let's just go with the 1 million and the 10 billion to make it easy leaving $10,000 per identified Aboriginal in funding ... where is this money going is the big question? I think we're paying for a lotta guilt. The last I checked many of the chiefs and leaders in the communities we're talking about have asked for, and been granted, the power to spend some of this money in their own areas. I think it's way, way past time that this spending go unquestioned. It's laughable that some of these leaders stand in front of microphones and blame the government for their woes ... it's time to look inward guys and gals.