Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Court to Unite the Right

John Roberts was sworn in last week as a chief justice of the supreme court in the U.S. Given Republican control of the Senate and just about everything else he breezed through confirmation without stating much of an opinion on anything. Meanwhile, yesterday President Bush nominated Harriet Myers to fill the position of retiring judge Sandra Day O'Connor. The pick is suprising in that Harriet has never been a judge of any sort but is big-time supporter of George. As the court makes a decidingly marked turn to the right, the big concern is that George may decide to have the Roe vs. Wade decision reexamined by the court and with gawd on his and the court's side, overturn the 1973 decision. This, in my opinion, would be a serious blow to individual rights. Gawd Forbid!!!

Hey... it is me! You were very observant back in October as the Supreme Court is, today, looking back at the abortion issue. I think that George Bush could tell Congress that the US needed to invade Alberta using child soldiers from Africa and they would say, "Okay".
Hell, I'm sure Alberta wouldn't notice until Ralph Klein sobered up the next morning anyway.
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