Friday, March 11, 2005

Project "Steve"

Evolution has been under renewed attack across North America but especially in the U.S. Proponents of Intelligent Design have made inroads in many states to include God as a valid alternative to evolution in the science curriculum of the classroom. To support Intelligent Design, creationists often point to a list of scientists who doubt evolution. To counter such ridiculous statements, the National Center for Science Education started Project Steve. This tongue in cheek parody lists scientists named Steve who agree with Evolution. The Center choose the name "Steve" in honor of the late Stephen Gould, a tireless defender of science and evolution.

The Statement from the NCSE in support of evolution has now been signed by over 500 scientists named Steve. The growing total is updated on the Steve-o-meter. This counter attack to Intelligent Design is hopefully garnering enough press to ward off at least some of the claims of creationists. There was even a movement in Ontario at one point to have creationism included in the science classrom but I'm uncertain where it landed. It riled me enough to inquire about joining a local Humanist organization that tries to help stop these things. The fact is that 99% of Scientists support evolution and only a few fringe scientists at best support creationism.

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