Tuesday, November 02, 2004

U.S. Election Day

Today is the day where half the U.S. will want to move out of the country after the results. What a bitter election this appears to be from north of the border. I was never that familiar with how the U.S. President is elected but from the radio and a newspaper article I've garnered this much (I think). Each state has a fixed number of electoral college votes assigned more or less by population. The higher percentage vote in a given state gets all of it's electoral college votes. There is a total of 538 electors so a total of 270 is needed to win the presidency. It's very possible to win the presidency without winning the popular vote as happened last election but it's very rare.

Not all states hand out all their college votes according to who won the state. Maine and Nebraska hand out college votes somewhat similar to our system in Canada and Colorado is thinking of doing the same. Two votes go to the candidate with the largest vote percentage state wide. Then the state is divided into congressional districts and each district gets a vote according to who won the percentage vote in that district. So the obvious question is why not just hand the presidency to the person who wins the vote country-wide? Well, that would take a constitutional change which Americans reserve only for very important issues like preventing gay marriage. Uh-huuuuuuuh.

In one more very important election issue ... famed porn producer Seymor Butts is giving out free DVD's in New York to anyone who can prove they voted today. There should be lotsa calls to work after picking up that DVD eh ... "Good morning boss, I'm not coming into work today, I'm exercising my rights as an American Citizen." I would've put up a link to that story but just try and search the Internet for free porn and/or Seymor Butts eh.

A system designed to give equal representation actually gives more power to less populated states. HUH

Free Porn for voting should be mandatory.
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