Thursday, June 05, 2003

The Catholic Prime Minister

Abortion and Gay Rights are sticky subjects for the Catholic religion at any point. Prime Minister Chretien found himself in a bit of pickle recently when he remarked on the public stage that "I am Catholic and for abortion". The local Archbishop sent Jean a letter objecting to Mr. Chretien's remarks. Of course, as a true Catholic he couldn't possibly be pro-choice. I have to admit I enjoy a certain amount of glee when Catholics think their religion is a democracy. But then there's another little piece of legislation, bill C-250, that would also add sexual orietation to the hate provisions of the criminal code. This should really get the Archbishop's knickers in a knot. Any Christian worth his salt would point out that the multitudes of passages in the bible condeming homosexuality as the gravest of sins. Some feel duty bound to convert gay "sinners". Who ever said the church teaches tolerance?

But all these little stories have a side bar too. Church and State shouldn't mix. Should the leader of the country be checking with the church (or his church) before introducing legislation on any issue? I think not ... but many countries excommunicate leaders who speak out for abortion. I wonder if Jean knows his salvation could be at stake. Just think, if the church have anything to say about it, he'll be headed where Paul Martin wished he'd left for already.

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