Friday, December 06, 2002

Who is this Guy?

I've tried to read more about the history and beliefs of Christianity. If I'm going to sit here and tell you, if you're a Christian, that you're wrong, I should certainly be aware of what it is I'm talking about. In the same fashion, I'm looking for you, the Christian, to tell my why I may be incorrect in my statements or assumptions. So anyway, I need to look into this myth a little more but this is the story I've read and it's timely for the season to talk about you know who.

This ummm, well, person let's say, was born of a virgin and without giving it away the celebration of his birth was December 25th. Any pictures of this fellow showed a nimbus or halo-like item above his head. Oh, forgot to mention that his birth was attended by sheperds too. He didn't really die but ascended to a heaven. His followers hence thought that he would return at the end of time for a final judgement sending the good to heaven, the heathens to hell, you know the rest. So did I give it away yet? Who am I talking about? Well, I'm actually describing the story of a very wide-spread religion (any Christian church now calls it a cult which is kind've amusing)that predates Christianity and Jesus and the mythical person I'm referring to was called Mithra.

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