Sunday, November 03, 2002
More Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
According to the latest poll, this one performed by Leger Marketing , 40% of the Canadian population believe that some folks are able to foretell the future. That is, have psychic abilities. Perhaps ironically, those same folks seem to have some doubts about what they were foretold anyhow. If you have a boo further into the survey, a full 70% have never consulted anyone thought to have any psychic powers. Of those that did, 15% said the predictions came true, 40% said they partly came true, the rest said no or don't know. So let's look at that again, 15% of the 30% who consulted someone with supposed psychic abilities said they came true. That's uhhh (whirr, whirr, spin, spin) 4.5 % of the population who sought out psychic advice and believed it happened. Well now, that's a whole lot less than 40% isn't it. The study goes on further to state that 1 out of 10 Canadian folks believe in their horoscope (9%). Luvly, wonder how many would have responded yes if the question had been, do you believe in Santa Claus. Well, the christmas season is approaching after all isn't it. I've seen Miracle on 42nd Street, hard to say otherwise dontcha think. If you've ever seen The Amazing Randi tell horoscopes, almost all those present believe the horoscope presented to them was valid. Thing is, Randi gives everyone the exact same horoscope. So much for your sign eh.
According to the latest poll, this one performed by Leger Marketing , 40% of the Canadian population believe that some folks are able to foretell the future. That is, have psychic abilities. Perhaps ironically, those same folks seem to have some doubts about what they were foretold anyhow. If you have a boo further into the survey, a full 70% have never consulted anyone thought to have any psychic powers. Of those that did, 15% said the predictions came true, 40% said they partly came true, the rest said no or don't know. So let's look at that again, 15% of the 30% who consulted someone with supposed psychic abilities said they came true. That's uhhh (whirr, whirr, spin, spin) 4.5 % of the population who sought out psychic advice and believed it happened. Well now, that's a whole lot less than 40% isn't it. The study goes on further to state that 1 out of 10 Canadian folks believe in their horoscope (9%). Luvly, wonder how many would have responded yes if the question had been, do you believe in Santa Claus. Well, the christmas season is approaching after all isn't it. I've seen Miracle on 42nd Street, hard to say otherwise dontcha think. If you've ever seen The Amazing Randi tell horoscopes, almost all those present believe the horoscope presented to them was valid. Thing is, Randi gives everyone the exact same horoscope. So much for your sign eh.