Sunday, October 06, 2002
A Momentary Pause for Reason
Well, lost my blog template when the good folks at blogger revamped some code or something. Took me awhile to remember what I had done to juice up my template so to speak. That's the nifty background and general format you see. That is if anyone is reading or following along. I certainly realize that most of this is for myself but I'm hoping that the odd person may drop in and read a paragraph or two and hopefully go "hmmmmmmm". If you do happen to drop in by all means drop me an email with a link on the left there and tell what you think, if it's made you think even, or even if you think I'm full of crap. If it's the later then by gosh, let's have a beer and talk about it eh ;o).
So where am I. Have I said much new, not really. Most of my arguments for the non-existence of god are familiar. Along the way I hope I've passed along some science too. I realize that it's a fact vs. faith argument and that's where I'll head next. Or hell, right now ... Throughout history there have been conflicts with science and religion. Where science cannot conclude a definite response, faith dares to tread. Faith is now more or less restricted to the supernatural, there isn't much left for it really. This wasn't always the case of course. Faith had the answers for everything, where we came from, how the universe got here, we were indeed the centre of the universe. Christianity sprung from a time in our history when mysticism and magic were the order of the day. Miracles were indeed common place. The advent of science proved a continous source of embarassment for the church. Christianity of course had to attempt to change with it, albeit slowly and often very reluctantly. Articles of faith, once taken literally, are rewritten or sometimes discarded. Quite often in our time, these articles of faith are now said to be "interpreted" to mean something different. For me, the worst argument of all is to fall back upon faith saying it's not comprehensible, we are not meant to know god's ways. The absurdity of that is indeed incomprehensible.
Well, lost my blog template when the good folks at blogger revamped some code or something. Took me awhile to remember what I had done to juice up my template so to speak. That's the nifty background and general format you see. That is if anyone is reading or following along. I certainly realize that most of this is for myself but I'm hoping that the odd person may drop in and read a paragraph or two and hopefully go "hmmmmmmm". If you do happen to drop in by all means drop me an email with a link on the left there and tell what you think, if it's made you think even, or even if you think I'm full of crap. If it's the later then by gosh, let's have a beer and talk about it eh ;o).
So where am I. Have I said much new, not really. Most of my arguments for the non-existence of god are familiar. Along the way I hope I've passed along some science too. I realize that it's a fact vs. faith argument and that's where I'll head next. Or hell, right now ... Throughout history there have been conflicts with science and religion. Where science cannot conclude a definite response, faith dares to tread. Faith is now more or less restricted to the supernatural, there isn't much left for it really. This wasn't always the case of course. Faith had the answers for everything, where we came from, how the universe got here, we were indeed the centre of the universe. Christianity sprung from a time in our history when mysticism and magic were the order of the day. Miracles were indeed common place. The advent of science proved a continous source of embarassment for the church. Christianity of course had to attempt to change with it, albeit slowly and often very reluctantly. Articles of faith, once taken literally, are rewritten or sometimes discarded. Quite often in our time, these articles of faith are now said to be "interpreted" to mean something different. For me, the worst argument of all is to fall back upon faith saying it's not comprehensible, we are not meant to know god's ways. The absurdity of that is indeed incomprehensible.