Monday, August 12, 2002

The Beginning
I've been extrapolating the whole notion of whether you can know god. It's a mute point if you're an atheist as you can no more know god that you can Bugs Bunny. The exercise is more to show that religion attempts to know god and describe god and yet one of the first arguments a theist would throw back at you would be that we cannot know god's way. It's very convenient to have it both ways of course. Speaking of having it both ways I recently read yet another letter to the editor (they seem to be on a role with religious topics this year) from a theist indicating that because science cannot attest to the beginning of our universe and how things like atoms and what not are created there must be creator and that creator is indeed god (who else?). That's a common argument but of course it falls apart when you ask well then who created god? Science does try and answer many of the questions of our beginning and we may never understand it of course. The difference though is that Science would either completely throw out a theory or modify it accordingly as knowledge grows. Religion rarely grows in this fashion but they do conveniently modify things in the bible to help explain things that are obviously incorrect. But then I was under the impression from some that the bible was the word of god? Hmmmmmm

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