Tuesday, April 09, 2002
Suicide Bombers in the Middle East
Oh, you gotta luv people who've been so brainwashed into a religious concept they're willing to blow themselves up. Makes for such an interesting world really. How much longer before you figure this will happen on North American soil and in particular the U.S. of A.? I would wager any day now. There's news out there saying that Suddam amongst others give money to the family left behind by the suicide bomber and they are revered as heroes themselves. It'd be nice to think that it's just the uneducated that volunteer to be martyrs but nope. The main requirement is religious fanaticism of course and while this may lean towards the uneducated it knows no class distinctions. As long as you grew up reading the Koran and can be convinced your reward for blowing other people up along with yourself is a quick trip to heaven and bountiful virgins at your disposal. Not sure why that hook appeals to a lady bomber but they are few and far between anyway. Wonder where they get all those beautiful virgins in heaven anyway? I mean c'mon ... if a woman dies a virgin there's usually a very good reason and beautiful ain't oneofem eh. Oh get over it, c'est une joke.
Anyway, I was looking for another good reason to link to Richard Dawkin's article Religion's Misguided Missiles. A primer for anyone wanting to start a religious movement and especially one that includes those willing to die for it.
Oh, you gotta luv people who've been so brainwashed into a religious concept they're willing to blow themselves up. Makes for such an interesting world really. How much longer before you figure this will happen on North American soil and in particular the U.S. of A.? I would wager any day now. There's news out there saying that Suddam amongst others give money to the family left behind by the suicide bomber and they are revered as heroes themselves. It'd be nice to think that it's just the uneducated that volunteer to be martyrs but nope. The main requirement is religious fanaticism of course and while this may lean towards the uneducated it knows no class distinctions. As long as you grew up reading the Koran and can be convinced your reward for blowing other people up along with yourself is a quick trip to heaven and bountiful virgins at your disposal. Not sure why that hook appeals to a lady bomber but they are few and far between anyway. Wonder where they get all those beautiful virgins in heaven anyway? I mean c'mon ... if a woman dies a virgin there's usually a very good reason and beautiful ain't oneofem eh. Oh get over it, c'est une joke.
Anyway, I was looking for another good reason to link to Richard Dawkin's article Religion's Misguided Missiles. A primer for anyone wanting to start a religious movement and especially one that includes those willing to die for it.