Saturday, April 27, 2002

Pedophile Priests

The Cardinals were called to the Vatican recently to talk about the sexual abuse crisis facing the Catholic Church and it's priests. It's been pointed out that the incidence rate of abuse is low amongst the priesthood but any incidence rate at all is of course abhorent. This isn't just true of the preisthood but nonetheless being in such a position of power seems to make it all the worse doesn't it. I think the shocking part is really the sheltering of abusive priests. It was revealed that church leaders have paid out over 1.3 billion in settlements to victims over the past 15 years and known sex offender priests were moved on to other parishes. Ain't that luvly.

I actually feel pity for the priesthood during this scandal. It's almost become a crime to be a priest, guilt by association. I hear the police warn everyone in the neighbourhood each time a new priest moves into the neighbourhood. Oh that was a bit funny, c'mon now.

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