Tuesday, April 02, 2002

The Gift

A heavy sleet rages war against the windows this evening. Yep, can't sleep and feeling a bit poetic so be forewarned. You see, my darling just asked me a simple nighttime question, "...so you don't believe there's a heaven?" "No", I replied with sorrow, "I don't." Her beloved grandmother has just passed away you see. The last words my darling spoke before drifting off are still with me, "then where is she?"

Where is she ... is she in a wonderous place of light and goodness? No. But a part of her drifted off to sleep with the words, "...where is she?" She is a part of you my love as she is her children, and her children's children, and my daughter, and those yet to be. The lessons of life, of guidance, of love, that is where she is and will continue on as this is truly the greatest gift we leave behind of ourselves. Perhaps the only lasting memory in a time awash in the absolute memory of no-one.

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