Tuesday, March 12, 2002

In The News

Sure is alot fervor over stem cell research here in Canada now that the Canadian Institute of Health Research has announced plans to begin funding of stem cell research using human embryos from fertility clinics and abortion clinics. Some scientists are debating the need for anonymity given the possiblility of attack from anti-abortionists and right to life activists. I mention it as it's pretty much a given that these types who attack science and scientists are furvently religious. The research has tremendous potential for those with anything from Parkinson's disease to spinal chord injuries. Some say we may be able to grow new organs someday.

A new "Creationist" Museum is going up in Kentucky. The man responsible wants to fight the brainwashing taught in science. This would be funny if it weren't so sad that people continue to cling to this kinda crap. He goes further to say the Bible is the truth and we can trust it where it touches upon science.

And then there's the story about the girl who wanted to refuse blood transfusions because of her Jehovah's Witness background. The court, in what has got to be considered a sensible move surely, denied the claim and she's being forced to have them anyway. Her dad has recanted somewhat apparently though and wants his daughter to have them but now his daughter and entire family say they hate him and he's being shunned by the community. I consider this a case of the brain-washed shunning the brain-washer in the end.

More on that last sentence up next ... stay tuned, same blogger time, same blogger channel.

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