Sunday, March 24, 2002
The Inflationary Universe
MIT Professor and Physicist Alan Guth has a theory about what came before the Big Bang. His Inflation Theory is gaining widespread acceptance by many cosmologists and is growing stronger with every cosmological finding. What does the theory say, the premise is that the universe expanded at an exponential rate much faster than explained by the Big Bang in it's extreme infancy (when it was less than 1/100th of a second old) before settling to a more sedate expansion as described by the Big Bang. How fast is that you ask, very fast. In perhaps 10 (to the -34) of a second the universe expanded to roughly the size of a marble. Eh not very big but it's the equivalent to a pea growing to the size of the Milky Way. So far, what inflation theory predicts, the observable universe has reflected. All of this subscribes to Quantum Theory, so far the best theory yet for describing the physical universe. So what came before the Big Bang, why nothing ... the entire universe still holds to laws of conservation of energy. That is to say, all the matter in the universe plus all the gravity equals zero so the universe could come from nothing since it's essentially nothing.
MIT Professor and Physicist Alan Guth has a theory about what came before the Big Bang. His Inflation Theory is gaining widespread acceptance by many cosmologists and is growing stronger with every cosmological finding. What does the theory say, the premise is that the universe expanded at an exponential rate much faster than explained by the Big Bang in it's extreme infancy (when it was less than 1/100th of a second old) before settling to a more sedate expansion as described by the Big Bang. How fast is that you ask, very fast. In perhaps 10 (to the -34) of a second the universe expanded to roughly the size of a marble. Eh not very big but it's the equivalent to a pea growing to the size of the Milky Way. So far, what inflation theory predicts, the observable universe has reflected. All of this subscribes to Quantum Theory, so far the best theory yet for describing the physical universe. So what came before the Big Bang, why nothing ... the entire universe still holds to laws of conservation of energy. That is to say, all the matter in the universe plus all the gravity equals zero so the universe could come from nothing since it's essentially nothing.
Tuesday, March 19, 2002
Do We Do Our Children Harm?
My last post mentioned brain washing at the end and I don't use that very lightly. How does one come to believe in a god and in particular, a god as presented in Christian myth? You might be under the mistaken impression that you so choose your faith but that is extremely unlikely. You most likely accepted the faith that your parents instilled and that which they believe. Oh sure, you may have shrugged off portions of it like a 6 day creation but by and large the truth is almost all of a religious persuasion followed their parents upbringing. This is of course true for a mutlitude of things and not just one of religion but let's stay the course here. Perhaps you don't believe me but ask yourself, how is it that those of one faith are not born of another? Do Christian children become Buddhists? Do Muslims become Jews later on life. Extremely rare to say the least.
Why is this so? Well, we teach our children about god when they are that their most vulnerable idiologically speaking. There's a certain amount of conditioning involved to be sure and it sticks with most of us into our adult lives. This conditioning inflicts upon our children a rather one sided point of view and not one born of free will. It's certainly not from a desire to know god as suggested by many Christians. We teach our children in the best manner to which we know and part of that manner was the way we were raised, as god fearing ourselves. We are responsible to teach our children yes ... but some things are better left to learn for themselves. If you truly believe that god wishes to be known and his is the one true light, I suggest we leave that up to them to find out for themselves.
My last post mentioned brain washing at the end and I don't use that very lightly. How does one come to believe in a god and in particular, a god as presented in Christian myth? You might be under the mistaken impression that you so choose your faith but that is extremely unlikely. You most likely accepted the faith that your parents instilled and that which they believe. Oh sure, you may have shrugged off portions of it like a 6 day creation but by and large the truth is almost all of a religious persuasion followed their parents upbringing. This is of course true for a mutlitude of things and not just one of religion but let's stay the course here. Perhaps you don't believe me but ask yourself, how is it that those of one faith are not born of another? Do Christian children become Buddhists? Do Muslims become Jews later on life. Extremely rare to say the least.
Why is this so? Well, we teach our children about god when they are that their most vulnerable idiologically speaking. There's a certain amount of conditioning involved to be sure and it sticks with most of us into our adult lives. This conditioning inflicts upon our children a rather one sided point of view and not one born of free will. It's certainly not from a desire to know god as suggested by many Christians. We teach our children in the best manner to which we know and part of that manner was the way we were raised, as god fearing ourselves. We are responsible to teach our children yes ... but some things are better left to learn for themselves. If you truly believe that god wishes to be known and his is the one true light, I suggest we leave that up to them to find out for themselves.
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
In The News
Sure is alot fervor over stem cell research here in Canada now that the Canadian Institute of Health Research has announced plans to begin funding of stem cell research using human embryos from fertility clinics and abortion clinics. Some scientists are debating the need for anonymity given the possiblility of attack from anti-abortionists and right to life activists. I mention it as it's pretty much a given that these types who attack science and scientists are furvently religious. The research has tremendous potential for those with anything from Parkinson's disease to spinal chord injuries. Some say we may be able to grow new organs someday.
A new "Creationist" Museum is going up in Kentucky. The man responsible wants to fight the brainwashing taught in science. This would be funny if it weren't so sad that people continue to cling to this kinda crap. He goes further to say the Bible is the truth and we can trust it where it touches upon science.
And then there's the story about the girl who wanted to refuse blood transfusions because of her Jehovah's Witness background. The court, in what has got to be considered a sensible move surely, denied the claim and she's being forced to have them anyway. Her dad has recanted somewhat apparently though and wants his daughter to have them but now his daughter and entire family say they hate him and he's being shunned by the community. I consider this a case of the brain-washed shunning the brain-washer in the end.
More on that last sentence up next ... stay tuned, same blogger time, same blogger channel.
Sure is alot fervor over stem cell research here in Canada now that the Canadian Institute of Health Research has announced plans to begin funding of stem cell research using human embryos from fertility clinics and abortion clinics. Some scientists are debating the need for anonymity given the possiblility of attack from anti-abortionists and right to life activists. I mention it as it's pretty much a given that these types who attack science and scientists are furvently religious. The research has tremendous potential for those with anything from Parkinson's disease to spinal chord injuries. Some say we may be able to grow new organs someday.
A new "Creationist" Museum is going up in Kentucky. The man responsible wants to fight the brainwashing taught in science. This would be funny if it weren't so sad that people continue to cling to this kinda crap. He goes further to say the Bible is the truth and we can trust it where it touches upon science.
And then there's the story about the girl who wanted to refuse blood transfusions because of her Jehovah's Witness background. The court, in what has got to be considered a sensible move surely, denied the claim and she's being forced to have them anyway. Her dad has recanted somewhat apparently though and wants his daughter to have them but now his daughter and entire family say they hate him and he's being shunned by the community. I consider this a case of the brain-washed shunning the brain-washer in the end.
More on that last sentence up next ... stay tuned, same blogger time, same blogger channel.
Sunday, March 10, 2002
More Universe Stuff
Could a universe come from nothing? I give up ... and here's where many theists point to the existence of god. He must exist or how was the universe created? Okay, who created god? The theist would say no-one, he always was. Okay then, I'm gonna say the universe always existed, that solves that problem doesn't it? Why introduce a second reason to something we can't possibly know? What I'm getting at here is just because there's no explanation doesn't mean that "god did it". It's a popular argument to the existence of god and I hope that I've shown rather simply that it's a pointless one.
Could a universe come from nothing? I give up ... and here's where many theists point to the existence of god. He must exist or how was the universe created? Okay, who created god? The theist would say no-one, he always was. Okay then, I'm gonna say the universe always existed, that solves that problem doesn't it? Why introduce a second reason to something we can't possibly know? What I'm getting at here is just because there's no explanation doesn't mean that "god did it". It's a popular argument to the existence of god and I hope that I've shown rather simply that it's a pointless one.
Thursday, March 07, 2002
Big Bang?
A question that religion answers for us is the origin of the universe. Science also attempts to theorize on the origins of the universe. The most accepted theory in our time is the Big Bang theory. The advent of the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-Ray Observatory have allowed humans to see to the outer reaches of the known universe. Current Big Bang theory estimates that the universe is 14-15 billion years old. Some theists use the Big Bang theory as further proof of god's existence. After all, did something come from nothing? An interesting question if for the time being, a pointless one. We cannot know the beginning of our universe in the current science. But then nor should we use superstition to explain it either. Some things we do know, the age of our solar system is 4-5 billion years, 10 billion years after the theorized creation of the universe as we know it. Humankind evolved over a time frame much much smaller than the suspected age of the universe and indeed, our own solar system.
A question that religion answers for us is the origin of the universe. Science also attempts to theorize on the origins of the universe. The most accepted theory in our time is the Big Bang theory. The advent of the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-Ray Observatory have allowed humans to see to the outer reaches of the known universe. Current Big Bang theory estimates that the universe is 14-15 billion years old. Some theists use the Big Bang theory as further proof of god's existence. After all, did something come from nothing? An interesting question if for the time being, a pointless one. We cannot know the beginning of our universe in the current science. But then nor should we use superstition to explain it either. Some things we do know, the age of our solar system is 4-5 billion years, 10 billion years after the theorized creation of the universe as we know it. Humankind evolved over a time frame much much smaller than the suspected age of the universe and indeed, our own solar system.
Saturday, March 02, 2002
An Opining Rebuttal
Ahhh, someone with some valid comments (see last posting comments), thank you for your participation. I was asked to seek God's presence and ask him some questions for myself. I could no more seek the counsel of the Easter Bunny as I don't believe any such being exists. Therein lies the problem and why I ask those who believe to provide their reasons for belief and how they resolve some somewhat ridculous assertions made by religion and the bible. It is said that we are made in his image yes, so to go full circle, did Adam and Eve have navels? A ridiculous question yes but it if you believe that Adam and Eve were indeed the first created it has some implications. If yes why would they need them? If not does that imply they were not perfect human beings and hence god is imperfect? I'm immensely curious by the comment that men were not created to experience death?
I was looking for some stats on belief in things like angels, ghosts, etc as I read in the newspaper not long ago that a majority of people do indeed believe in these things. I am not one of them, I don't believe in ghosts, angels, devils, E.T, horoscopes, reflexology, psychics, nor that Uri Gellar can bend spoons or anything of the ilk. There were 2 psychics on Conspiracy Theory the other night and one skeptic. The skeptic asked one simple question the entire night, why don't you go to the horsetrack? The reply ... we don't use our god given powers for personal gain. Now that's funny.
God reveals himself to us through others, hmmmmmmm. Wouldn't an ominpotent being come up with a better method than that? If he really wanted to be known, and I don't fathom why he wouldn't if he existed, wouldn't he take the more obvious path like appearing to everyone? The fact is Christianity spread thru the world (not everywhere yet though) because Christian nations conquered the earth (ie... England, Spain etc.). Does anyone honestly believe that god would be present in North America if England, France, and Spain hadn't landed here? Was he here before that? Of course not, the Native Americans had their own belief systems that most often did not include one deity.
It was also asked if I could come up with something more substantial than the story of Noah for disbelief in the bible as the word of god. I could come up with pages and pages but I think I'd lose whomever was reading out of boredom. I honestly believe that those who take the word of the bible literally are seriously deluded. For sake of argument though, here's some thrilling parts. "If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property (Ex. 21:20-21, NIV)." Isn't that nice eh ... Since I'm more into the science aspect here in this space let's quote some biblical science ... The earth has ends or edges (Job 37:3), The earth has four corners (Isa. 11:12, Rev. 7:1), The world's language didn't evolve but appeared suddenly (Gen. 11:6-9), unicorns exist in the following passages (Deut. 33:17, Psalms 22:21. 29:6, Job 39:9-10). These examples are presented for breviety. I can get into some stories later if we want, Jonah swallowed by a whale?
Prayer is communion with god ... sure, I'll buy into that. But the truth is that alot of people pray for themselves or their loved ones to be saved from this calamity or another. What's the point if the outcome has already been decided? Doesn't god have a supposed plan? And isn't heaven a better place? I'm confused and alas, sidetracked LOL.
Ahhh, someone with some valid comments (see last posting comments), thank you for your participation. I was asked to seek God's presence and ask him some questions for myself. I could no more seek the counsel of the Easter Bunny as I don't believe any such being exists. Therein lies the problem and why I ask those who believe to provide their reasons for belief and how they resolve some somewhat ridculous assertions made by religion and the bible. It is said that we are made in his image yes, so to go full circle, did Adam and Eve have navels? A ridiculous question yes but it if you believe that Adam and Eve were indeed the first created it has some implications. If yes why would they need them? If not does that imply they were not perfect human beings and hence god is imperfect? I'm immensely curious by the comment that men were not created to experience death?
I was looking for some stats on belief in things like angels, ghosts, etc as I read in the newspaper not long ago that a majority of people do indeed believe in these things. I am not one of them, I don't believe in ghosts, angels, devils, E.T, horoscopes, reflexology, psychics, nor that Uri Gellar can bend spoons or anything of the ilk. There were 2 psychics on Conspiracy Theory the other night and one skeptic. The skeptic asked one simple question the entire night, why don't you go to the horsetrack? The reply ... we don't use our god given powers for personal gain. Now that's funny.
God reveals himself to us through others, hmmmmmmm. Wouldn't an ominpotent being come up with a better method than that? If he really wanted to be known, and I don't fathom why he wouldn't if he existed, wouldn't he take the more obvious path like appearing to everyone? The fact is Christianity spread thru the world (not everywhere yet though) because Christian nations conquered the earth (ie... England, Spain etc.). Does anyone honestly believe that god would be present in North America if England, France, and Spain hadn't landed here? Was he here before that? Of course not, the Native Americans had their own belief systems that most often did not include one deity.
It was also asked if I could come up with something more substantial than the story of Noah for disbelief in the bible as the word of god. I could come up with pages and pages but I think I'd lose whomever was reading out of boredom. I honestly believe that those who take the word of the bible literally are seriously deluded. For sake of argument though, here's some thrilling parts. "If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property (Ex. 21:20-21, NIV)." Isn't that nice eh ... Since I'm more into the science aspect here in this space let's quote some biblical science ... The earth has ends or edges (Job 37:3), The earth has four corners (Isa. 11:12, Rev. 7:1), The world's language didn't evolve but appeared suddenly (Gen. 11:6-9), unicorns exist in the following passages (Deut. 33:17, Psalms 22:21. 29:6, Job 39:9-10). These examples are presented for breviety. I can get into some stories later if we want, Jonah swallowed by a whale?
Prayer is communion with god ... sure, I'll buy into that. But the truth is that alot of people pray for themselves or their loved ones to be saved from this calamity or another. What's the point if the outcome has already been decided? Doesn't god have a supposed plan? And isn't heaven a better place? I'm confused and alas, sidetracked LOL.