Friday, February 08, 2002

The Mormons are under a bit more scrutiny lately because of the Olympics being in Salt Lake City, Utah. The land of milk and cookies (I ain't kidding) is more or less Mormom and the Mormon religion touches all aspects of Utah society and government. The Mormons can boast one of the fastest growing religions in the world with over 11 million members. So who are the Mormons ya may ask? Well, didn't ya? The Mormons are as white bread as ya come, they don't drink alcohol, tea or coffee, and despite the 6 o'clock news most of them don't advocate more than one wife. They do have secretive temple rites and yes, they want you to be a Mormom too.

The Mormoms were founded by a farmer in upstate New York named Joseph Smith. In 1823, young Joseph retreated to the woods to find god and was greated by the angel Moroni. Moroni told Joe that gold plates were buried nearby that explained the history of Christ's people in America as the one true religion. Smith found the plates on nearby Hill Cumorah and translated the test into the first "Book of Mormon". Smith was the only one to read the plates before returning them to the angel Moroni. Smith's relevations continued for another 20 years including the relevation of Polygamy as the word of god but that's been more or less shunned by a majority of Mormoms today. The Mormons were run out of of most states until Brigham Young replaced Smith as church leader and lead the first settlers to what we know as Utah today.

The Mormons were heritical to other Christian religions and were condemned by Catholic and other churches leaders alike. I mean, c'mon, that's a pretty tall story and it sounds just like a cult doesn't it? At least it sounds like a any definition of a cult, Joe leads followers to his vision as the one true religion? Says he finds gold plates and translates them into a bible for the religion? Hmmmmm, well, let's replace Joe with Moses and what have we got there? Oh, pretty much the exact same story ain't it? Moses has vision of angel who tells him of plates with 10 ummm "rules"? That's right, all of Christianity is based on the exact same story. Draw your own conclusions.

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