Wednesday, January 30, 2002

There seems to be alot of post Sept. 11th religious opining I've noted. A tragedy of this magnitude against civilians and the actual televising of such an event would be enough to even make the faithful question. In our local newspaper there's actually been some letters to the editor supporting atheism, unheard of not too long ago. I wonder how many "closet atheists" there are really? I know I've often been prevented from speaking of it amongst family and friends for fear of offending them or sometimes even of presenting yourself in a lesser light. To expand on that last point, how many politicians would admit to being a non-believer? I've never heard of such a thing as to do so could be political suicide. It's really so ingrained from birth in alot of familys that to get to an atheistic point of view is difficult. How many of you were told at a very young age that you'd better believe in god or be condemned to eternal damnation? Given those choices it's pretty easy isn't it. To try and discuss the issue is very difficult with believers as well. The whole god thing really can't be based on "reason", it only makes sense on pure "faith". How can one argue against faith?

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